CDN+ is our professional-grade Internet content distribution service, meticulously crafted within our advanced cloud ecosystem. Supported by a team of top-tier engineers and state-of-the-art software platforms, CDN+ ensures unparalleled performance and reliability. Our service features 24/7 monitoring and guarantees a 99.95% Service Level Agreement (SLA), ensuring your content is always available and delivered seamlessly. Strategically located in top-rated data centers worldwide, CDN+ offers the best in global content distribution, ensuring your audience experiences the highest quality at all times.

CDN+ is enhanced with a wide array of features designed to meet all your operational needs, eliminating the complexity of dealing with multiple providers and protocols.

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  • Trans-coding services (Cloud and On-Prem).
  • Teleport service with Satellite or IP reception.
  • Direct delivery to servers (CATV Operators, ISP, Hotels, etc.).
  • We are members of the SRT Alliance. Our signals are compatible with any receiving server or encoder-decoder worldwide!
  • OTT service, Web and Social Networks with control of concurrent connections.
  • ABR function with the number of profiles you request.
  • Any Input, any output, SRT, HLS (m3u), MPEG-DASH, etc.
  • Support DRM (Widevine, Playready, FairPlay, BuyDRM, EZDRM, PallyCon, Verimatrix).
  • Ad Insertion server (SSAI) based on signals with SCTE-35 markers.
  • Cloud based dashboard to monitor the streams.
  • Private CDN.
  • Point to Point transport.
Connect with CDN+ today!

CDN+ is prepared to distribute any content globally, featuring optimized routes and ultra-low latency solutions for live events. If an edge server is required, we can deploy it swiftly to ensure seamless delivery!

Test your own signal with us!
On delivery

CDN+ provides the most comprehensive control panel for monitoring and managing your signals to meet your business needs. You can check the status of your dedicated servers, view bandwidth reports, and access a variety of usage statistics by ISP, location, player, and more. This extensive array of options gives you a clear and detailed overview of your content delivery operations.

Enter the CDN+ dashboard